
Website Videos

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Welcome to Postcreatives

We are a detail and results driven video production company dedicated to creativity and innovation when it comes to storytelling. We have been fortunate to work with amazing clients in almost every business vertical because we understand that every industry is a people industry and all people love stories.

The number and types of videos on your company’s website can vary depending on your industry, target audience, and marketing goals. However, here are some common types of videos that many businesses include on their websites, along with considerations for embedding them:

Homepage Explainer Video:

  • Purpose: An introductory video that explains what your company does, its unique value, and how it can solve customer problems.
  • Placement: This video is often embedded prominently on the homepage to provide visitors with a quick overview of your business.

Customer Testimonial Videos:

  • Purpose: Featuring satisfied customers sharing their experiences with your products or services.
  • Placement: Testimonial videos can be placed on relevant product or service pages to build trust and credibility.

About Us or Company Culture Videos:

  • Purpose: Offering insights into your company’s history, values, culture, and team.
  • Placement: Typically found on the “About Us” or “Company” page to help visitors
    connect with your brand on a personal level.

How-To or Tutorial Videos:

  • Purpose: Providing step-by-step instructions on using your products or services.
  • Placement: These videos can be embedded on product pages or in a dedicated tutorial section to help customers get the most out of your offerings.

Case Study Videos:

  • Purpose: Presenting real-world examples of how your products or services have benefited specific clients or customers.
  • Placement: Often found on a dedicated “Case Studies” or “Success Stories” page to showcase your track record.

Blog or Content Videos:

  • Purpose: Enhancing written content with video elements, such as video summaries, interviews, or demonstrations.
  • Placement: Embedded within blog posts or articles to engage visitors and provide alternative content formats.

Promotional Videos:

  • Purpose: Promoting specific campaigns, events, or limited-time offers.
  • Placement: Promotional videos can be placed on the homepage, in email campaigns, or on dedicated campaign landing pages.

Recruitment or Career Videos:

  • Purpose: Attracting potential employees by showcasing your company culture and job opportunities.
  • Placement: Embedded on a dedicated “Careers” or “Join Us” page to engage job seekers.

Considerations for Embedding Videos:

  1. Hosting: Videos can be hosted on platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or your own server. Consider your hosting choice based on factors like control, branding, and analytics.
  2. Video Player: Use a responsive video player that adapts to various screen sizes and devices for a seamless user experience.
  3. Placement: Videos should be embedded where they provide the most value and context. For example, product videos should be on product pages, and case studies should be on dedicated case study pages.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Ensure that videos are mobile-friendly and load efficiently on smartphones and tablets.
  5. Page Speed: Optimize video files to prevent slow page loading times. Consider lazy loading for videos below the fold.
  6. SEO: Optimize video titles, descriptions, and transcripts for search engines to improve discoverability.
  7. Analytics: Use video analytics to track viewer engagement and gather insights into which videos are most effective.
  8. Accessibility: Provide closed captions or transcripts to make videos accessible to a broader audience, including those with hearing impairments.
  9. CTAs: Include clear and relevant calls to action (CTAs) in your videos to guide viewers toward the desired next steps.

In summary, the number and types of videos on your company’s website should align with your marketing strategy and customer needs. Embed videos strategically on relevant pages to enhance user engagement, provide valuable information, and achieve your business objectives.


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